émirat de transjordanie

L'émirat de Transjordanie (arabe : إمارة شرق الأردن Imārāt Sharq al-Urdun) était un protectorat britannique (1921-1946) créé en avril 1921 à la suite d'accords passés pendant la Première Guerre mondiale avec les princes arabes de la dynastie hachémite en échange de leur révolte contre les Ottomans. Par ces échanges, en particulier la lettre du 24 octobre 1915, le gouvernement britannique acceptait de reconnaître l'indépendance arabe au Moyen-Orient en échange de l'organisation d'une révolte arabe contre l'Empire ottoman[6],[7]. Cet article porte sur le protectorat britannique de 1921-1946. XIII, Paris Peace Conference (1947), p. 100, League of Nations, Official Journal, 1928, p. 1574. History of Jordan refers to the history of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the background period of the Emirate of Transjordan under British protectorate as well as the general history of the … L'émirat est officiellement placé sous mandat britannique par la S.D.N. His government maintained law and order, improved tax-collection, opened new schools and clinics, built roads, established telegraph and post office services and created sharci and civil courts. After Faisal's exile, the French mandate boundary had excluded this area and the British then considered it to be part of the Syrian rump which became Transjordan, though nothing was done to realise that claim, so Hejaz administration held de facto control. En 1925, le gouvernement de l’émirat obtient les pouvoirs administratifs et législatifs, même si la Grande-Bretagne contrôle la diplomatie et la défense de la Transjordanie. 1 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1963) 680–681, See Foreign relations of the United States, 1946. Il y a 100 ans, en avril 1921, était créé l’émirat de Transjordanie. At this point, the sparsely inhabited southern part of Transjordan was claimed by both Faisal's Syria and his father's Kingdom of Hejaz. Rang Portrait Héritier Période Émir Maison 1 Talal ben Abdallah, prince héritier Né le 27 février 1909 à La Mecque (Empire ottoman) — Mort le 7 août 1972 (à 63 ans) à Amman : 1 er avril 1921 — 25 mai 1946 (25 ans, 1 mois et 24 jours) Abdallah I er Maison al-Hashem [82], Transjordan applied for membership of the United Nations on 26 June 1946. Le prince Nayef est le sixième et dernier enfant du prince Asem, issu du second mariage de son père, avec Sana Kalimat. Il est attribué à Abdallah, second fils du chérif Hussein qui organisa au profit des Britanniques la révolte arabe contre l'empire ottoman en échange d'un royaume arabe qui ne verra jamais le jour. It was approved by Curzon on 31 March 1921, and the revised final draft of the mandate (including Transjordan) was forwarded to the League of Nations on 22 July 1922. are responsible under the mandate for Palestine"", Biger described this meeting as follows: "Sovereignty over the Arava, from the south of the Dead Sea to Aqaba, was also discussed. En 1946, l'Émirat de Transjordanie devint un royaume dont Amman est la capitale, le siège du gouvernement et le centre commercial, légal et administratif de Royaume hachémite de Jordanie. Despite this, Jordan was not a full member of the United Nations until 14 December 1955. In addition, Jordan was officially removed from Britain's Palestine mandate and given a mandate status of its own. Rang Portrait Héritier Période Émir Maison 1 Talal ben Abdallah, prince héritier Né le 27 février 1909 à La Mecque (Empire ottoman) — Mort le 7 août 1972 (à 63 ans) à Amman : 1 er avril 1921 — 25 mai 1946 (25 ans, 1 mois et 24 jours) Car indéniablement, rien n’augurait rétrospectivement que le petit émirat de Transjordanie fondé en 1921 sur un territoire peu développé et faiblement peuplé connaîtrait une telle longévité. This resulted in another treaty in March 1948 with Britain in which all restrictions on sovereignty were removed. Ottoman forces were forced to withdraw from Aqaba in 1917 after the Battle of Aqaba. Wilson notes that the letter was written to refute Weizmann's 1 March 1921 letter to Churchill, Alon writes: "Abdullah accepted Churchill's offer and returned to Amman to organise his new rule. (pg 50)", Gubser wrote: "During World War I, Transjordan (as it was then called) was the scene of most of the fighting of the great Arab Revolt against Ottoman rule. The agreement allocated to Britain control of what is today southern Israel and Palestine, Jordan and southern Iraq, and an additional small area that included the ports of Haifa and Acre to allow access to the Mediterranean. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Transjordanie, « Traités et accords internationaux enregistrés du. [78] (pg 49); Thus, in the summer of 1922, the government managed to gain the submission of the settled and semi-settled tribes. Peake's Reserve Force was still under construction and dysfunctional. [citation needed], Abdullah established his government on 11 April 1921. Rang Portrait Héritier Période Émir Maison 1 Talal ben Abdallah, prince héritier Né le 27 février 1909 à La Mecque (Empire ottoman) — Mort le 7 août 1972 (à 63 ans) à Amman : 1 er avril 1921 — 25 mai 1946 (25 ans, 1 mois et 24 jours) Abdallah I er: Maison al-Hashem (fils d’Abdallah I er de Transjordanie) Royaume de Transjordanie. L'émirat de Transjordanie est établi 1922 24 juillet: Les termes du mandat sont acceptés par la Société des Nations: 10 août: La Grande-Bretagne met fin au gouvernement militaire par un décret en conseil. 4 relations: Émirat de Transjordanie, Cisjordanie, Institut français de Jordanie, Jordanie. This disputed area, containing Maan, Aqaba and Petra, had originally been part of the Damascus Vilayet during Ottoman times, though boundaries had never been very precise. After further discussions between Churchill and Abdullah in Jerusalem, it was mutually agreed that Transjordan was accepted into the mandatory area as an Arab country apart from Palestine with the proviso that it would be, initially for six months, under the nominal rule of the emir Abdullah and that it would not form part of the Jewish national home to be established west of the River Jordan. The applicable parts of the Mandate for Palestine were stated in a decision of 16 September 1922, which provided for the separate administration of Transjordan. 10, p. 161, Agreement between his Britannic Majesty and His Highness the Amir of Trans-Jordan, February 1928, See League of Nations, Official Journal, 1928, p. 1574, See 1919 Foreign Relations, vol. It was further provided in the application of the Mandate to Transjordan that the action which in Palestine is taken by the Administration of Palestine will be taken by the Administration of Transjordan under the general supervision of the Mandatory. [75] In 1949 the country's official name was changed to the "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan". Shortly after the war, the French ceded Palestine and Mosul to the British. Revenir à la page « Émirat de Transjordanie ». The British Commonwealth; the Near East and Africa Volume III (1941), pages 809–810; and Statement of General de Gaulle of 29 November 1941, concerning the Mandate for Syria and Lebanon, Marjorie M. Whiteman, Digest of International Law, vol. 25 mai 1946 : Proclamation du Royaume hachémite de Jordanie. Dans le chapitre « L'émirat de Transjordanie (1914-1921) » : […] Lorsque se précisent les menaces de guerre, la Grande-Bretagne saisit tout l'intérêt qu'elle peut tirer, sur les plans militaire et politique, de cette fièvre nationaliste qui agite alors les Arabes sous domination ottomane. The U.S. State Department also received a legal argument from Rabbis Wise and Silver objecting to the independence of Transjordan. Il est attribué à Abdallah, second fils du chérif Hussein qui organisa au profit des Britanniques la révolte arabe contre l’empire ottoman en échange d’un royaume arabe qui ne verra jamais le jour. It soon became clear, however, that none of these conditions would be met. Emirat de Transjordanie - Emirate of Transjordan. Né en mars 1921, l'émirat de Transjordanie, au-delà du fleuve Jourdain, est détaché de la Palestine historique et placé sous mandat britannique. Né en mars 1921, l'émirat de Transjordanie, au-delà du fleuve Jourdain, est détaché de la Palestine historique et placé sous mandat britannique. "Emirate of east Jordan"), officially known as the Amirate of Trans-Jordan, was a British protectorate established on 11 April 1921.[4][1][2]. [74] On 25 May 1946 the Transjordan became the "Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan" when the ruling 'Amir' was re-designated as 'King' by the parliament of Transjordan on the day it ratified the Treaty of London. Both claimed in 1908; territories formed in 1962 (British Antarctic Territory) and 1985 (South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands). [e] The independent administration was recognised in a statement made public (the statement had been agreed in October 1922 following the approval of the revised Mandate on 16 September 1922 with publication made conditional on completion of a probationary period) in Amman on 25 May 1923: "Subject to the approval of the League of Nations, His Britannic Majesty will recognise the existence of an independent Government in Trans-jordan under the rule of His Highness the Amir Abdullah, provided that such Government is constitutional and places His Britannic Majesty in a position to fulfil his international obligations in respect of the territory by means of an Agreement to be concluded with His Highness"[3][62][f]. Husain, however, had never accepted this and had stationed a Vali alongside Faisal's administrator, but the two men had worked in harmony so that the dispute never came to an open struggle. L'émirat de Transjordanie (arabe : إمارة شرق الأردن Imārāt Sharq al-Urdun) était un protectorat britannique (1921-1946) créé en avril 1921 à la suite d'accords passés pendant la Première Guerre mondiale avec les princes arabes de la dynastie hachémite en échange de leur révolte contre les Ottomans. Amir (Prince) Abdullah, a younger son of Sharif Hussein, arrived in Jordan in the fall of 1920 with the intent of regaining Damascus for his Hashemite family. Le contenu est disponible sous licence CC BY-SA 3.0 sauf mention contraire. Émirat de Transjordanie. [c] Abdullah made a request for the Negev to be added to Transjordan in late 1922, and again in 1925, but this was rejected. After the Ottoman defeat in World War I, the Transjordan region was administered within OETA East; after British withdrawal this became the Hashemite-ruled Arab Kingdom of Syria, administering an area broadly comprising the areas of the modern countries of Syria and Jordan. Liste des héritiers des trônes transjordanien et jordanien Émirat de Transjordanie. On the other hand the southern part of Palestine belonged, according to one of the versions, to the sanjak (district) of Ma'an within the vilayet (province) of Hejaz. Nevertheless, a precise borderline was still not determined along the territories of Palestine and Trans-Jordan. Il est attribué à Abdallah, second fils du chérif Hussein qui organisa au profit des Britanniques la révolte arabe contre l'empire ottoman en échange d'un royaume arabe qui ne verra jamais le jour. Transjordan became a no man's land following the July 1920 Battle of Maysalun,[5][6] during which period the British in neighbouring Mandatory Palestine chose to avoid "any definite connection between it and Palestine". [51], The location of the Eastern border between Transjordan and Iraq was considered strategic with respect to the proposed construction of what became the Kirkuk–Haifa oil pipeline. nécessaire] (en arabe : إمارة imārah) est un territoire uni politiquement qui est gouverné par un émir (ou prince en français [réf. Abdallah en est le souverain. 24. The government of the territory was, subject to the mandate, formed by Abdullah, brother of King Faisal I of Iraq, who had been at Amman since February 1921. He dissolved the local governments formed by the British and established three administrative provinces (liwa’): cAjlun, Balqa’ and Karak. [40] Britain administered the part west of the Jordan as Palestine, and the part east of the Jordan as Transjordan. Bahreïn était un émirat jusqu'au 14 février 2002, quand le souverain actuel a décidé de changer son titre en « Roi de Bahreïn », et le pays est devenu un royaume. Elle servait à la fois à faciliter les déplacements de pèlerins et aux transports militaires[4]. L'influence de Londres y demeure cependant prépondérante. Transjordanie et cisjordanie. [13], Under the Ottoman Empire, most of Transjordan was part of the Syria Vilayet,[14] primarily the sanjaks of Hauran and Ma'an. The first government was composed of four Syrians, a Palestinian, a Hijazi and only one native Transjordanian. [43], The Hashemite emir Abdullah, elder son of Britain's wartime Arab ally Hussein bin Ali, was placed on the throne of Transjordan. Après la conquête de Jérusalem-Est et de la Cisjordanie en 1948, elle devient le Royaume hachémite de Jordanie en 1949. "[71][72], On 17 January 1946, Ernest Bevin the British Foreign Secretary, announced in a speech at the General Assembly of the United Nations, that the British Government intended to take steps in the near future to establish Transjordan as a fully independent and sovereign state. Fayçal Ier signe l'accord mais précise qu'il est conditionné à l'incorporation de la Palestine dans l'« indépendance arabe »[10]. The ratifications were exchanged on 31 October 1929. L'annexion est effective le 24 janvier et le nouveau nom de la Transjordanie est donc la Jordanie, l'émirat de 1923 s'étant transformé en Royaume en 1946. De la création de l'émirat de Transjordanie il y a 100 ans à la crise de ces derniers jours au sein de la monarchie, rappel des dates-clés du royaume hachémite. L'émirat de Transjordanie (arabe : إمارة شرق الأردن Imārāt Sharq al-Urdun) était un protectorat britannique (1921-1946) créé en avril 1921 à la suite d'accords passés pendant la Première Guerre mondiale avec les princes arabes de la dynastie hachémite en échange de leur révolte contre les Ottomans. Il est attribué à Abdallah, second fils du chérif Hussein qui organisa au profit des Britanniques la révolte arabe contre l'empire ottoman en échange d'un royaume arabe qui ne verra jamais le jour. The Hashemite dynasty ruled the protectorate, as well as the neighbouring Mandatory Iraq and, until 1925, the Kingdom of Hejaz to the south. voir Transjordanie Émirat hachémite de Transjordanie ar إمارة شرق الأردن ar Imārāt Sharq al - Urdun 1921 1946 Palestine de l ouest et Transjordanie Entités nom. Martin Sicker, (1999) Reshaping Palestine: From Muhammad Ali to the British Mandate, 1831–1922 p 158. sfn error: no target: CITEREFKlieman1970 (, Palestine Papers, 1917–1922, Doreen Ingrams, George Braziller 1973 Edition, pages 116–117. Emirat de Transjordanie . Le mandat britannique se termine le 22 mars 1946[12]. ": quote from: Eugene Rogan, The Fall of the Ottomans, p.286. "[h][68], Transjordan remained under British control until the first-Transjordanian treaty was concluded in 1928. Entre juillet 1915 et mars 1916, dix missives furent échangées entre Hussein ben Ali, chérif de La Mecque et le Lieutenant-Colonel Henry McMahon, Haut-commissaire britannique d'Égypte[5]. Peake and Philby reported on the satisfactory collection of taxes and good public order.45 Macan Abu Nowar asserts that, as early as August 1922, Abdullah could already point to several achievements in the process of state-building. The special arrangements there really go back to the old controversy about our war time pledges to the Arabs which I have no wish to revive. Rang Portrait Héritier Période Émir Maison 1 Talal ben Abdallah, prince héritier Né le 27 février 1909 à La Mecque (Empire ottoman) — Mort le 7 août 1972 (à 63 ans) à Amman : 1 er avril 1921 — 25 mai 1946 (25 ans, 1 mois et 24 jours) Abdallah I er Maison al-Hashem [47][48] In OETA East, Faisal had appointed a kaymakam (or sub-governor) at Ma'an, whereas the kaymakam at Aqaba, who "disregarded both Husein in Mecca and Feisal in Damascus with impunity" had been instructed by Hussein to extend his authority to Ma'an. In 1949, it was constitutionally renamed the "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan", commonly referred to as Jordan. cannot acquiesce in his claim to concern himself directly with the administration of any portion of the territory of Transjordan for which H.M.G. From July 1915 to March 1916, a series of ten letters were exchanged between Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, and Lieutenant Colonel Sir Henry McMahon, British High Commissioner to Egypt. Deuxième fils de ̣Husayn ibn ‘Alī, chérif de La Mecque et roi du Hedjaz, Abdallah fait ses études à Istanbul, alors capitale de l'Empire ottoman. Between the two world wars, Amir Abdullah, with considerable assistance from Britain, established Hashemite authority in Jordan, basing his rule in the new capital of Amman. This failed to respond to Transjordanian demands for a fully sovereign and independent state, a failure that led to widespread disaffection with the treaty among Transjordanians, prompting them to seek a national conference (25 July 1928), the first of its kind, to examine the articles of the treaty and adopt a plan of political action. Au-delà de rivalités familiales, le royaume a toujours été une construction fragile tandis que la contestation populaire d’un régime arbitraire et corrompu est de plus en plus forte. It led to the inclusion of the Negev triangle in Palestine's territory, although this area was not considered as part of the country in the many centuries that preceded the British occupation. ", From "Observations on Dr. Weizmann's letter to the Secretary of State for the Colonies with Reference to Transjordania," Major Somerset and Captain Peake, 14 March 1921, CO 733/15. La chute de l’Empire ottoman en 1918, suivie de la révolte arabe conduite par le Sharif Husayn aidé de son fils Faysal et le partage colonial du Proche-Orient par la France et l’Angleterre, ont conduit à la création de l’Émirat de Transjordanie en 1921, placé sous administration britannique. [83] The Polish representative said that he did not object to the independence of Transjordan, but requested that the application be postponed for a year on the grounds that legal procedures required by the Covenant of the League of Nations had not been carried out. [52] It described the western end of the Iraq-Nejd boundary as "the Jebel Anazan situated in the neighbourhood of the intersection of latitude 32 degrees north longitude 39 degrees east where the Iraq-Najd boundary terminated", thereby implicitly confirming this as the point at which the Iraq-Nejd boundary became the Transjordan-Nejd boundary. On 11 April 1921 he formed his first government. ». La frontière sud entre la Transjordanie et l'Arabie était considérée comme stratégique pour la Transjordanie afin d'éviter d'être enclavée , avec un accès prévu à la mer via le port d'Aqaba . More importantly, the resurrection of the Reserve Force, later renamed the Arab Legion, allowed for this success. Indeed, this situation could be changed only with the agreement of the Council of the League of Nations, with the consent of the Government of the United States, a signatory of the Franco-American Convention of 4 April 1924". [53], France transferred the District of Ramtha from Syria in 1921. Share. En 1946, l’émirat de Transjordanie se sépare du protectorat britannique et déclare son indépendance en tant que royaume de Tansjordanie. [8] In the letters – particularly that of 24 October 1915 – the British government agreed to recognize Arab independence after the war in exchange for the Sharif of Mecca launching the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire. Assisted by the British army officer T. E. Lawrence, the Sharif of Mecca Hussein bin Ali led the successful revolt which contributed to the Ottoman defeat and breaking up of its empire. Émir autonome de Transjordanie (à partir de 1921) puis roi de Jordanie (1946-1951), né en 1882 à La Mecque, mort le 20 juillet 1951 à Jérusalem. Aussi, à la fin de la guerre, Abdallah réclame aux Anglais l’indépendance de son pays. Autres discussions . Émirat de Transjordanie Pour les articles homonymes, voir Transjordanie . The movement claimed that it effectively severed Transjordan from Palestine, and so reduced the area on which a future Jewish state in the region could be established.

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