iran, china relations

[15], In June 2020, Iran was one of 53 countries that backed the Hong Kong national security law at the United Nations Human Rights Council. [2], In 1289 Kublai Khan established a Muslim university in Beijing. [43] In 2020, a leaked document showed that a 25-year strategic partnership would be implemented between the two countries, in which China would invest in Iranian infrastructure, transport and seaports, in exchange, Iran would provide a heavily discounted regular supply of its oil. Yes, and it is significant. [6], Ming navy general Zheng He came from a Muslim family and sailed through much of the Old World, including India, Persia, Arabia, and Africa. [6], Mainly through Silk Road trade, Chinese borrowed Middle Persian words for exotic commodities. [44][45][46] Above all the reasons for the timing of this agreement is the rivalry between the US, the main opponent to Iran, and China, the main supporter to Iran, plays the major role in taking the step of signing the agreement. However, alarmists who push for a more aggressive stance toward both China and Iran based on this deal are massively exaggerating its terms. [24] Later in 2007, CNPC signed a $3.6 billion deal to develop offshore gas fields in Iran and then signed another $2 billion contract to develop the northern Iranian oil field near Ahvaz. Many tombstones and archaeological tablets found in China are also probably written in the Perso-Arabic script. Immigrant communities of Persian Muslims in China intermarried with local women, forming what is now the modern Hui people. [citation needed]. He has written about modern Sino-Iranian relations for Jadaliyya, Entekhab, and Mondoweiss. There is also Iranian admiration for China's rapid economic growth, and for the most part, their economic contributions to Iran are appreciated and respected. [49], China and Iran holding first joint naval drills in 2017. Because of its limited refining capacity, Iran imports one-third of its refined products such as petrol from China. In terms of defense, the items mentioned in the draft agreement – joint military exercises, sharing of intelligence related to terrorism, cooperation on international crimes – are all things that already exist, and so represent no great shift in policy even if they become more formalized. [19] The agreement was concordant with One Belt, One Road framework. [36], Iran–China trade value reached $45 billion in 2011 and was expected to increase to $50 billion by 2012. The Republic of China (ROC), commonly known as Taiwan, has full diplomatic relations with 14 out of 193 United Nations member states, as well as the Holy See.Historically, the ROC has required its diplomatic allies to recognise it as the sole legitimate government of China, but since the 1990s, its policy has changed into actively seeking dual recognition with the PRC. As a result of the Iranian takeover of the American Embassy on November 4, 1979, the United States and Iran severed diplomatic relations in April 1980. for Us. They are also already in place with most neighboring Gulf states. In March the two countries struck a three-year $3.39 billion deal to produce liquefied natural gas in Iran's mammoth South Pars natural gas field. [19][30] In 2017, 64% of an export total $16.9 billion with China was crude oil. Labeling the West Papua National Army-Free Papua Organization a terrorist outfit complicates future conflict resolution efforts. "China, Iran, and Central Asia: The Dawning of a New Partnership", Portraits of Periodical Offering of Liang, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758, 2,500-year celebration of the Persian Empire, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Category:Chinese people of Iranian descent, Foreign relations of the People's Republic of China, "Iran-China to sign 25-year cooperation pact: Tehran", "Twenty Centuries of Friendly Cooperation: The Sino-Iranian Relationship", "CHINESE-IRANIAN RELATIONS viii. China is seen as a vital lifeline for a country weakened by sanctions and diplomatic isolation. Others have gone further and explicitly called China and Iran “the new Axis of Evil.” On social media, Iranians have decried rumors that the deal will lead to nuclear waste dumped in the desert and islands in the Gulf sold to China. Under the terms of the deal, Iran will give Chinese oil companies exclusive rights to three large regions of Iranian land as well as the rights to build all necessary infrastructure for these regions, all of which sit atop of large oil and natural gas fields. Shah Abbas had hundreds of Chinese artisans in his capital Esfahan. While the deal has a significant amount of support among Iran’s business community and at multiple levels of government, other factors complicate further investment. [23], At first Iran did not originally support China's bid for United Nations membership but did not veto. Geography is a very significant factor in informing Iran's foreign policy. Ratifications were exchanged on 6 February 1922, with effect on the same day. [23] China also sells gasoline to Iran despite international pressures that have halted Iran's ability to get gasoline from other suppliers. This Strategic Cooperation Agreement, as it is officially known, has been hailed as a massive overhaul of Sino-Iranian relations that will see China invest anywhere from $400 to $600 billion in Iran, with some estimates running as high as $800 billion. Both sides have now admitted that the plan contains no “quantitative, specific contracts” and is a “non-binding document.” In my view, this confirms what was signed was little changed from the leaked agreement last summer. It provides no methods for enforcement, measurable goals, or specific programs. [21], Once profitable trade relations were established, the PRC invested in Tehran's subway systems, dams, fishery, and cement factories while Iran helped supply China with the highly desired minerals coal, zinc, lead, and copper. TEHRAN – Establishing strategic relations with China has been of special importance for Iran, spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry Saeed Khatibzadeh has said as Tehran and Beijing concluded a 25-cooperation plan on March 27. Improved Iran-U.S. relations are a precondition to increased Sino-Iranian economic involvement. [25], China considers Iran a permanent partner for its exports and a source of its growing energy demand. They deliberately left out images of Iranian security forces brutalizing the protesters. Nonetheless, a closer look at its implications suggests that it may be useful in achieving some U.S. goals with Iran: particularly regime … Official relations began in 1937. Arms exports began to steadily decline in the 1990s yet China engaged in $400 million worth of arms transfer agreements with Iran. [25], Some analysts argue that Iran can use its links with China to build more links across Asia while remaining insulated from potential U.S. John Keefer Douglas, Matthew B. Nelson, and Kevin Schwartz; "Fueling the Dragon's Flame: How China's Energy Demands Affect its Relationships in the Middle East." Elamite or BMAC:[70][71][72], Huihuihua is a dialect of Chinese with more Persian and Arabic words.[6]. In return, China promises to treat any foreign attack against these regions as attacks against its own sovereign territory, and will defend them as such. [12][13], Notable Chinese Muslims who undertook the task of translation of Persian into Chinese include Chang Zhimei (medicine) and Liu Zhi. Now, China opposes Iran's possible production and possession of nuclear weapons but does not see the urgency to stop it. However, a draft of the agreement leaked last summer, and it is unlikely the text substantially changed in the intervening six months. The Biden administration has expressed “concern” over the partnership, but it has also agreed to attend a summit this week in Vienna involving China, Iran, Russia, and the EU. China-Iran Relations: The Myth of Massive Investment By William Figueroa Why the 25-Year China-Iran Strategic Cooperation Agreement isn’t a “big deal,” literally or figuratively. Just $5 a month. © 2021 Diplomat Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. [16], In March 2021, the two countries signed a 25-year cooperation agreement. [58] The Shah visited Taiwan to meet the President of China Chiang Kai-shek in 1958. [21], Even Chinese state-ran news agencies upheld the validity of the internationally controversial election[specify] and ultimately attributed any problems that day to terrorists and vandals. The line was constructed by the Chinese company NORINCO. Asia, Asia China tends to choose stable relations with geostrategic advantages over volatile ones likely to spark conflict. Before that the Chinese were not replying to our overtures.” This is consistent with statements from Beijing at the time of the signing of the JCPOA, the 2016 commitment, and today. It is rumored that China is responsible for aiding in the development of advanced conventional weapons including surface-to-air missiles, combat aircraft, radar systems, and fast-attack missile vessels. It will see increased investment and linkages between the countries. It carries great symbolic significance and allows the Iranian state some room to posture and negotiate. The announcement of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP), a 25 year-long economic and development agreement between China and Iran, has immediately added to the intensifying discourse concerning US-China Geostrategic Competition. Voices from the ground tell stories of mismanagement, neglect, and apathy. [63][64], In January 2020, China condemned the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, with the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi alleging that the targeted killing of an Iranian general in Iraqi territory by the United States was in violation of international law. Persian works were translated en masse into Chinese, some of which are preserved today by the Peking University Library. They have industry and we have energy resources". Following Zhang Qian's embassy and report, the Han conquered Dayuan in the Han-Dayuan war and established the Protectorate of the Western Regions, thereby opening the Silk Road. Is this much ado about nothing? China agreed to invest $400 billion in Iran over 25 years in exchange for a steady supply of oil to fuel its growing economy under a sweeping economic and security agreement signed on Saturday. "Lubricated with Oil: Iran-China Relations in a Changing World", George L. Simpson Jr. (2010). Once the Shah was overthrown during the Islamic Revolution, China quickly recognized the new government on 14 February 1979. Iranian officials and state media have also referred to the fact that China considers its interests and its relations with important countries to have priority over its relations with the regime and, due to considerations in its relations with other countries, prevents the full publication of the document. What follows, however, remains uncertain. It is unlikely China will endanger relations with Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries in favour of Iran. Trade reached $1.627 billion in the 1980s and $15 billion in 2007. [41], While cargoes are usually shipped between China and Iran by ship, it is also possible to travel between the two countries by train, via Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan (see Eurasian Land Bridge). Some of them, known as semu ("assorted officials") occupied important official posts in the Yuan state administration. They cooperated in guarding the trade routes through central Asia, and both built outposts in border areas to keep caravans safe from nomadic tribes and bandits. Mixed descendants include Li Zhi (philosopher), Hu Dahai. Parthians also played a role in the Silk Road transmission of Buddhism from Central Asia to China. The outcome, however, is far from certain. Rumors of the J-15's unreliability have been greatly exaggerated. Whether the agreement would be “mutually beneficial” depends on what perspective one takes. Official relations began in 1937. There was a large Persian community in China, especially among Chinese Muslims, that Persian was one of the official languages of the Yuan dynasty, alongside Chinese and Mongolian. Li Shunxian is a Persian-Chinese woman who wrote celebrated Chinese poetry during the Tang dynasty. [21][24] Trade between the two states also included power generation, mining, and transportation equipment along with arms and consumer goods such as electronics, auto parts, and toys. Sales increased to $600 million from 1997 to 2000. [23] In 1980, China refused to support the UN arms embargo against Iran and further abstained from voting on US sanctions against Iran. Power, Crossroads Both empires benefited from trade along the Silk Road, and shared a common interest in preserving and protecting that trade. That said, the deal does offer some strategic advantages to Iran. [51], Direct nuclear cooperation has ended but there is speculation over whether there remains indirect nuclear cooperation. Asia, Central [14], By the Qing, although hardly anyone in the court was fluent in Persian, in madrasas, Persian was still studied. China's exports to Iran have experienced particularly rapid growth in the past five years, with China replacing Japan as the world's second largest exporter to Iran. [48], In later inquiries, it was discovered that China sold Iran precursor and dual-use chemicals and the technology and equipment needed to use them. Chinese investors are “encouraged” to invest in Iran’s various free economic zones, such as Maku along the Turkish border, Qeshm island in the Strait of Hormuz, and the strategic Arvand Free Zone near that Shatt al-Arab. Large numbers of Sassanian coins have been found in southern China confirming the existence of bilateral maritime trade.[2]. The agreement has been called a “New Treaty of Turkmanchay,” referring to the 19th century treaty that saw Qajar Iran cede territory to the Russian Empire. During a Q&A session on the social media app Clubhouse, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said, “We were able to jump start the China strategic deal thanks to the signing of JCPOA. There are also no provisions whatsoever for the sale of islands, military bases, occupation, or anything that would sustain the other alarmist claims. [23], About 2,000 Chinese now live in Tehran, and 70 Chinese companies have relocated to Iran.[24]. After the Islamic conquest of Persia, Persia continued to flourish during the Islamic Golden Age, and its relations with China continued. The foreign relations of Iran are the economic and diplomatic relationships between the Iranian government and governments of other countries. While China has no real capacity to oppose the sanctions or even things like the U.S assassination of Qassem Soleimani, the prospect of increased Sino-Iranian relations does provide the Iranian state with some breathing room and room to posture. India's current level of suffering was not inevitable. In 1988, the Iranian market opened up to Chinese industry when the PRC began economic restructuring. [21] Now, Iran relies on China's membership and especially Chinese veto power on the Security Council to protect it from US-led sanctions. [49] For example, in 2005 seven Chinese firms were suspected of selling nuclear weapons technology and all 7 had sanctions placed upon them. This was followed by another contract between Sinopec and Iran LNG, signed in October of the same year. "[29], China has been Iran's crude oil sink since the JCPOA was signed. It has pros and cons.” The report discusses general plans for cooperation between banks and infrastructure projects related to the “New Silk Road” and the Belt and Road Initiative, but acknowledges the agreement is a “roadmap.” Discussing technology transfer, it urges that “if Iran wants to make progress… it should not wait for the other side” and needs to develop “a long-term plan” before entering into specific agreements. In January 2009, Iran and China signed a $1.76bn contract for the initial development of the North Azadegan oil field in western Iran. [33] Iran's Deputy Minister of Commerce Mehdi Ghazanfari speculated that trade exchanges between Iran and China would exceed $25 billion in 2008. United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission, October 2006. It calls for vague “cooperation” through “enhancement of contacts” in several areas. Some analysts have expressed concerns that the deal threatens U.S. goals in the Middle East, or the fundamental stability of the region itself. Following the conquest of Iran by Muslim Arabs, Peroz III, the son of Yazdegerd III, escaped, along with a few Persian nobles and took refuge in the Chinese imperial court. The commander of the Abbasid army was Zayid ibn Salih, a Persian, and the commanders of the Tang army were Gao Xianzhi, a Goguryo Korean, alongside Li Siye and Duan Xiushi, both Chinese. Iran recognized the People's Republic of China in 1971 with Chinese Communist Party chairman and Chinese Premier Hua Guofeng was one of the last foreign leaders to visit the Shah of Iran, before he was overthrown in 1979. [31], During the Cold War there were unofficial trade relations between Iran and China that have steadily increased over time. The trust vote was a long time in the making. But there remained some distance between Mao's regime and that of the Shah because of ideology. The Han dynasty diplomat and explorer Zhang Qian, who visited neighboring Bactria and Sogdiana in 126 BCE, made the first known Chinese report on Parthia. ", "Iran and China conduct naval drill in Gulf", "Why Russia and China Joined on Iran Sanctions", "Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou arrested in Canada", "How can China maintain good relations with both Israel and Iran? [24] In popular culture the Chinese have turned their focus towards Iran in the fields of literature, television and cultural events. After the Abbasids won the battle, relations improved, and there were no more conflicts between China and the Persians. attack. Since the agreement was officially signed, a chorus of experts on China-Iran relations have weighed in on the significance of this agreement. Although Persian was still spoken among some Muslim communities, due to decreased contact with the Middle East, language use declined. An interview with Gary Bauer, commissioner of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. In his accounts Parthia is named "Ānxí" (Chinese: 安息), a transliteration of "Arsacid", the name of the Parthian dynasty. McDougal Littel, WORLD HISTORY: PATTERNS OF INTERACTION, New York edition, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, Dorraj, Manochehr and Currier, Carrie L (2008). Narsieh later attained the position of commander of the Chinese imperial guards and his descendants lived in China as respected princes.[4]. Switzerland is the U.S. protecting power and provides limited consular services […] After the last American soldier departs Afghanistan in September, India and Pakistan will be left with some very difficult, unsavory, choices. In his wake, he left many relics, including the Chinese-Persian-Tamil Galle Trilingual Inscription, praising the Buddha, Allah, and Vishnu respectively in the three languages. After eight years of courting the West with nothing to show for it, many Iranians across the political spectrum are hungry for a new way forward. Asia, Pacific The Chinese will help connect Tehran with Mashhad via their high-speed rail technology. A 1990 covert nuclear agreement was also discovered. China was able to remain outside of the conflict and push for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.[21]. Defense, China Why the 25-Year China-Iran Strategic Cooperation Agreement isn’t a “big deal,” literally or figuratively. ʿĀlem Ḥosaynī, etc. From this emerged the current relationship. The two civilizations have had a history of cultural, political, and economic exchanges along the Silk Road since at least 200 BC, and possibly earlier. [21] In 2011, approximately 10% of China's oil imports were from Iran. [42], Iranians and Chinese are currently renovating rails to connect Ürümqi to Tehran as well as connect Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan (also see Five-nations railway, Afghanistan–China relations). In Pre-Islamic Times, "Iran's New Alliance With China Could Cost U.S. [6], The Chinese Yuan and Persian Ilkhanate enjoyed close relations,[6] with nearly annual diplomatic exchanges between the two.

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