one planet fellowship laureate

Cliquer pour afficher le moteur de recherche. Rassemblés à Nairobi, le lundi 16 septembre 2019, pour le lancement officiel du programme, ces 45 lauréats ont rencontré chacun leur mentor, avec qui, ils  vont pouvoir suivre un important programme de mentorat. In the second year of the Fellowship, the. These are the One Planet Fellowship Mentors. Fellowship targets African female scientists on climate change, agriculture solutions the US$19.2 million One Planet Fellowship seeks to invest in over 630 agricultural scientists, fostering their leadership expertise, strengthening their research skills, including integrating gender into their work, and catalyzing partnerships in Africa and between Africa and Europe. Since 2008, AWARD has, through individually tailored two-year fellowships, worked to strengthen the research and leadership skills of African women in agricultural science, empowering them to contribute more effectively to alleviating poverty and increasing food security in sub-Saharan Africa. IDRC works at increasing opportunities and making a real difference in people’s lives. Experts agree that the African continent is particularly vulnerable to climate change and hundreds of millions of lives are at risk of hunger and starvation if Africa is unable to feed its growing population. Il s’agit des Mentors du programme One Planet Fellowship. The One Planet Laureate Candidates do not receive any cash payments except token amounts to cover direct expenses for participation in events. Funded research projects include evolution and impacts of extreme weather events, carbon soil sequestration and also adaptation policy governance. We invest in African scientists, research institutions, and agribusinesses so that they can deliver agricultural innovations that better respond to the needs and priorities of a diversity of women and men across Africa’s agricultural value chains. Le African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) travaille en faveur d'une agriculture inclusive, sur le continent Africain en renforçant la production et la diffusion d'une recherche et d'une innovation agricoles plus sensibles au genre. # OnePlanetFellowship # OnePlanetFellowship # Meet One Planet Fellowship Laureate Candidate, Dahan Kueshi, from Togo. Application Deadline: April 30th 2019 Announced at the One Planet Summit held in Paris in December 2017, the One Planet Fellowship will work to build the capacity of high-potential researchers from Africa and Europe to develop relevant, gender-responsive interventions towards … African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) works toward inclusive, agriculture-driven prosperity for Africa by strengthening the production and dissemination of more gender-responsive agricultural research and innovation. One Planet Fellowship Laureate Candidates by AWARD Fellowships Mr. Oliver Oliveros by AWARD Fellowships Professor Felister Mombo by AWARD Fellowships Dr. Pierre Grard by AWARD Fellowships … Les lauréats de One Planet Fellowship réunis à Casablanca. According to Mevoyon Pamela Karrel Afokpe Research Station Manager, East-West Seed, Benin 2019 One Planet Laureate Candidate, the One Planet Fellowship is a lifeline that supports sustainable development and addresses climate change. These are the One Planet Fellowship Mentors. When attending a workshop or training sessions, your expenses are fully covered. “The One Planet Fellowship has made me appreciate the critical role of women in science to transform Africa,” says Austin Phiri, Chief Agricultural Research Scientist, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development and Malawi 2019 One Planet Laureate Candidate. The United Nations warns that “climate change is costing communities and countries dearly today and even more tomorrow.”. 144 views. Together with their development partners, they multiply the impact of their investment and bring innovations to more people in more countries around the world. , The One Planet Fellowship is a career-accelerator designed to enhance the capacity of high potential agricultural researchers focused on climate change adaptation, by building their leadership, scientific research, networking, and mentoring skills. Mohamed Sellam , 28 novembre 2019 à 11:54. Most of the Foundation’s recent work with AWARD has shifted to focus on institutional transformation for gender responsive agricultural research in Africa and involves men as well as women. Among those many programs is a cooperation with the French-government partner, Agropolis Fondation and together they fund a fellowship program for outstanding agricultural researchers in sub-Saharan Africa called The AWARD Fellowship. » affirme Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg, directrice d’AWARD, à l’événement inaugural du programme. Fellowship. Lire aussi : Actions Climat : les femmes actrices du changement. In the third and final year of the Fellowship, the top performing One Planet, are supported to enhance their research skills by participating in a research placement at a leading European research institution that has a strong emphasis and reputation for climate change science. Appel à participants #dansathon20 : l’événement danse et nouvelles technologies pour imaginer le futur de la danse ! When attending a workshop or training sessions, your expenses are fully covered. They also do not pay sitting allowances. Committed to grow as a learning organisation, AWARD has established a robust monitoring, evaluation and learning system through which we study our interventions and produce knowledge products with lessons that can be replicated and scaled.

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